The Muck and Magic Diaries
On this page you will find all the illustrations from my book The Muck and Magic Diaries. In the book they can only appear in black and white so this is a resource to let you see what the allotment really looked like.
If you want to order a copy please communicate with me through my facebook page. The price of the book is £10.55 for print cost plus £3.74 postage. These prices are set by the publisher. I do not make any profit on these sales. I am happy enough if you read my book.
This book is taken from the weekly articles I wrote for the Nelson Leader for six years. I began gardening with no experience and no knowledge. I learned as I went, I studied, researched and talked with gardeners and I passed on everything I learned in my column. In the text I have updated anything that has changed since 1995, but the basic principles of organic gardening have changed very little. The articles were more a look at life on the allotment than a gardening textbook and had a large number of enthusiastic followers.
If you want to order a copy please communicate with me through my facebook page. The price of the book is £10.55 for print cost plus £3.74 postage. These prices are set by the publisher. I do not make any profit on these sales. I am happy enough if you read my book.
This book is taken from the weekly articles I wrote for the Nelson Leader for six years. I began gardening with no experience and no knowledge. I learned as I went, I studied, researched and talked with gardeners and I passed on everything I learned in my column. In the text I have updated anything that has changed since 1995, but the basic principles of organic gardening have changed very little. The articles were more a look at life on the allotment than a gardening textbook and had a large number of enthusiastic followers.